

TEACHER: Amy Jackson

MONTHLY TUITION: $110 per month

COURSE PREREQUISITE: Student must have successfully completed Pre-Calculus with a letter of recommendation from teacher. See all math placement guidelines HERE.

CURRICULUM: Saxon Calculus, 2nd edition

Saxon Calculus (2nd edition)
Saxon Calculus Solutions Manual (2nd edition, 430 pages)
Spiral notebook for class notes
TI-84 Calculator (or newer model)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Following a condensed summary of key algebra, trigonometry, and analytic geometry concepts, this course will include the exploration of limits and functions, as well as the differentiation and integration of variables. Application in physics, chemistry, engineering and business are used throughout the text.

*This Course counts as 1 math credit on a high school transcript and is highly recommended for those students pursuing a math/science related degree in college.