English 6
Teacher: Karyn Johnson
Monthly Tuition: $75 a month
Recommended grade level: 6th grade
Materials Required:
IEW Following Narnia, Volume 1 (will be used for 3 years during Middle School)
Novels: (these may be purchased or checked out from the library)
Course Description: Join us in 6th grade English as we read Great Books and study various literary devices. As we learn to appreciate language as a gift from God, there will be a heavy concentration on grammar concepts to improve communication skills in writing and speaking. Picking up new vocabulary from the literature will also encourage better writers and communicators. We will start the year off with IEW Structure and Style writing techniques as we read The Magician’s Nephew together. Our writing will then include a personal narrative, interviewing/biography of a new friend, light research reports, compare/contrast essay, poetry, character analysis from our class literature, and other genres, including persuasive and argumentative writing. Writing with strong Christian character and integrity will be encouraged. Students will give various presentations to the class and will be expected to participate in class discussions.