6th Grade

Core Classes:
Math 6
English 6
History 6/7
Science 6

Elective Options:
Jr. High Speech & Presentation Skills
The Elegant Essay
Intro to Spanish
Media Madness
Through the Eye of an Artist
Individual Piano Lessons
Beginning Violin
Beginner Pottery
School of Worship

7th Grade

Core Classes:
Pre-Algebra 7 (or Math 6) English 7
History 6/7
General Science

Elective Options: Jr. High Speech & Presentation Skills
The Elegant Essay
Intro to Spanish
Media Madness 6-12
Through the Eye of an Artist 6-12
Guitar Ukulele
Individual Piano Lessons
School of Worship
Beginning Violin
Beginner Pottery

8th Grade

Core Classes:
Algebra 1 (or Pre-Algebra 8) English 8
Texas History Physical Science

Elective Options:
Spanish 1 Jr. High Speech & Presentation Skills Art Through the Ages
Media Madness
Through the Eye of an Artist Guitar Ukulele
Individual Piano Lessons
School of Worship
Beginning Violin
Beginner Pottery


9th Grade

Core Classes: Geometry (or Algebra 1) HS English 1
World Geography & Cultures Biology

Elective Options:
Creative Writing
The Bible as Lit
Consumer Math Spanish 1
Latin 1 HS Speech
SAT Prep
HS Logic
Yearbook Art Through the Ages
Media Madness
Through the Eye of an Artist Guitar Ukulele
Individual Piano Lessons School of Worship
Beginning Violin

10th Grade

Core Classes:
Creative Writing
The Bible as Lit Algebra 2 (or Geometry) HS English 2
US History
Chemistry Marine Biology
Anatomy & Physiology

Elective Options:
Creative Writing
The Bible as Lit
Consumer Math Spanish 1
French 1
Latin 1
Latin 2 HS Speech
SAT Prep
Media Madness
Through the Eye of an Artist Guitar Ukulele
Individual Piano Lessons School of Worship

11th/12th Grade

Course Classes:
PreCal (or Algebra 2) HS English 3
HS English 4
World History
Marine Biology
Anatomy & Physiology

Elective Options:
Creative Writing
The Bible as Lit Consumer Math Spanish 1
Spanish 2
Latin 1
Latin 2 HS Speech
SAT Prep
HS Logic
Media Madness
Through the Eye of an Artist Guitar Ukulele
Individual Piano Lessons School of Worship