History 7: Middle Ages

Teacher: Kelly Becich

Monthly Tuition: $70 a month ($10 registration fee)
(see registration page for registration details)

Age: 7th grader

Curriculum: Mystery of History Volume 2

Materials Needed: Mystery of History, Volume 2 (Book will come with code to download the companion guide for free)
For families with multiple students in K-8 in this history: you will only need 1 copy of this text per family.
Additional Items needed include: folder with pockets and brads, notebook paper, pen, pencil, and map pencils.

Book List: (in order of when it will be needed during the year)
*Books may be purchased via the links below or from anywhere else, used or new. Books also may be available at your local library.
Grading Period 1:
Grading Period 2:
Grading Period 4:

Course Description: The Middles Ages covers from the Fall of Rome to the Rise of the Renaissance. Students will continue their journey through history while learning of the fall of Rome, the spread of Christianity, The Byzantine Empire, the rise of Islam, The Vikings, The Crusades, Kinghts & Castles, New World Explorations, Martin Luther, and more!