Launch Prep: Purpose Driven Life 10-12

Teacher: Amy Jo Oliver

Cost: $70 monthly tuition

Recommended Grade Level: 10-12 grade

Curriculum and Required Materials: Families will need to purchase the following books. Please feel free to buy used and discounted copies!

- Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris
- The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren
- Atomic Habits by James Clear

Course Description: “What am I going to study in college?” “What is my God purposed calling?” “Can I do hard things?” “Should I do hard things?” “I know what I want to do, but I can’t seem to establish good habits to help me reach my goals.” These questions and others are the questions many high school students wrestle with as they prepare to launch from high school into college and beyond. The goal of this class is to 1) challenge the students to do hard, rewarding things and to think beyond themselves, 2) discover what God’s will is for their lives through the gifts, talents, and passions He has given them, and then 3) establish good habits which will be necessary for effective, rewarding, and purpose-filled lives. We will be reading, discussing, and applying the concepts from the following books: Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris, The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, and Atomic Habits by James Clear. These three books will guide us through the three goals of the class and, prayerfully, will assist the students to launch well as young men and women who are confident in who they are and, more importantly, WHOSE they are…To be God’s bright and shining lights.

This course counts as 1 Elective credit on a high school transcript.