

Teacher: Pilar Seretti

Monthly Tuition: $75 a month

Recommended Grade Level: 9th-12th grade

Materials Needed: Psychology: A Christian Perspective

Course Description: This class traces the development of the science of Psychology to the beginning of the twenty-first century. Students will learn the basic scientific principles and methodologies of psychology from a Christian perspective. 

Psychology is the systematic scientific study of human behavior and mental processes. In this class we will not only explore traditional psychological theories and research methods but add the Bible-based dimension to the study of human behavior.

This course explores who we are, why we act the way we do, what is adaptive thinking and behavior, what can be done about maladaptive thinking and behavior, and how can one change his or her attitude or behavior. 

The interpretative study of psychology enhances the student’s understanding of intrinsic values, motivational responses, relationships, and other psychological concepts as they apply to all aspects of Christian life and services.

* This course counts for 1 social studies elective credit for a high school transcript.